Complaints Procedure
The aim of this policy is to ensure that a concern or complaint is managed sympathetically, efficiently and at the appropriate level and resolved as soon as possible.
Love Dunston will try to resolve every concern or complaint in a positive way with the aim of resolving the issue in a transparent manner. We would hope that most concerns and complaints can be resolved informally and will treat all concerns and complaints raised seriously and confidentially
A concern or complaint may be made in writing, in person, by email or by telephone. It may also be made by a third party acting on behalf of a complainant as long as they have appropriate consent to do so.
Complaints or concerns must be raised within three months of the incident, or the last of the incidents if there are a number, occurring. Love Dunston will aim to make an initial response to a complaint or concern within 10 working days and will aim to achieve a full resolution within 28 working days
If other bodies – for example, the police or the local authority – investigating aspects of the incident, this may impact upon Love Dunston’s ability to adhere to the timetable. In such a case we will declare a new timetable.
If a complainant commences legal action against Love Dunston, Love Dunston will suspend the complaints procedure until legal proceedings have concluded
It is important that any complainant fully co-operates with Love Dunston in seeking a solution.
Love Dunston will seek to
a) Offer an explanation
b) An admission that the situation could have been handled better/differently Complaints Policy March 2024 2 Updated – March 2024
c) An assurance that we will try to ensure the situation will not recur
d) An explanation of the steps taken, changes made
e) An undertaking to review procedures if appropriate
f) An apology
Complainants who subsequently withdraw their complaint will be asked to do this in writing
Complaints about Drop In employees must be made to the Project Lead.
Complaints about the Project Lead must be made to a Trustee
Complaints about a Trustee must be made to the Chair of the Trustees
Complaints about the Chair of the Trustees must be made to another Trustee
Complaints will be recorded and acknowledged as soon as they have been received
The acknowledgement will set out the timescale for response and detail actions which will be taken to investigate the complaint
If the complainant is dis-satisfied with the outcome of the initial stage – for example, the response of the Project Lead to a complaint against a staff member – he/she may escalate the complaint to a Trustee.
All reasonable efforts will be made by Love Dunston trustees and staff members to meet with the complainant. If the complainant rejects the offer of a maximum of two proposed meeting dates, the complaint will be discussed and decided in the complainant’s absence.
Any written material must be circulate to all parties at least 5 working days before any such meeting. Conversations recorded without the consent of all parties will not be accepted as evidence.
The meeting will be held in private. Electronic recordings of meetings or conversations will not be permitted unless a complainants disability or special needs requires it. Consent from all parties must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Love Dunston will not normally investigate anonymous complaints. However, the chair of the Trustees will determine whether an anonymous complaints warrants investigation Love Dunston is committed to dealing with all concerns and complaints fairly and impartially. Whilst we will not limit contact which the complainant has with Love Dunston or the Drop In, we will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour and will take action to protect staff from abusive, threatening or offensive behaviour