Health and safety policy
Health & Safety Law Posters are displayed throughout the centre.
The organisation is committed to the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of its employees whilst they are at work. This protection also extends to invited visitors and contractors whilst on the organisation’s premises. The organisation recognises that effective management systems and procedures have an important role in the prevention of accidents/injuries and incidents of ill health.
The objectives of this policy are: -
• The progressive elimination, reduction or control of health and safety risks based on their assessment following the identification of hazards.
• Acceptance by all personnel of health and safety as a major responsibility.
• The fulfilment of legal requirements and standards.
The organisation will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to:
• Safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of all employees
• To protect non-employees, property and the environment from any hazard created by the organisation operations.
To meet these responsibilities the organisation will assess health & safety risk within its operations and develop, implement, and monitor the effectiveness of suitable working standards to minimise such risk, as far as it is reasonably practicable.
All management and employees are required to be involved in achieving these objectives.
Management Responsibilities
Management is committed to and responsible for the achievement of the following objectives:
• Accept ultimate responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare standards within the organisation. Standards prescribed by legislation will form the minimum basis for operating.
• Provide and maintain safe plant & equipment.
• Regularly reviewing and revise where necessary, The organisation health & safety policy at regular intervals.
• Providing adequate resources to ensure that standards are implemented effectively and that competent advice on health & safety matters is available to management.
• Consult with employees on matters affecting their Health & Safety.
• Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
• To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
• Ensure that all employees are aware of the health & safety risks connected with their duties and have received adequate training to enable them to perform and agree standards or work procedures.
• Monitor the effectiveness of standards and work procedures, and regularly reassess the health and safety risks.
Employee Responsibilities
All employees must accept responsibility to: -
• Take reasonable care of their own and colleagues’ health & safety and that of other people who may be affected by their actions at work.
• Co-operate fully with management in ensuring that all health and safety standards and working procedures adopted by the organisation are adhered to.
• Report immediately to management any working situation which they consider to be a danger to the health, safety or welfare of themselves or others.
All accidents involving personal injury no matter how slight must be reported to a first aider for treatment and entered in the Accident Book, which is located in the main office. A First Aid box is kept in the main office and Nursery.
Under normal circumstance accidents must be reported immediately after they occur by entry into the accident book. In some circumstances this may not be possible (e.g., if an accident occurs off site and the injured person is absent from work). In such cases, the accident must be notified to the organisation within 48 hours so that the necessary entry can be made in the accident book and an investigation can commence.
Failure to comply with the above may result in disciplinary action unless there are genuine mitigating circumstances.
Smoking is not permitted in the building or grounds.
Fire can lead to loss of life, injury, loss of jobs, buildings, and equipment.
In the event of a fire on the premises, all employees must proceed as quickly as possible to fire assembly points. Employees should make themselves familiar with the procedure and from time to time will be involved in fire drills. All employees have a responsibility to take all possible precautions to reduce the risk of fire.
People using the building are requested to familiarise themselves with the fire exits/routes. Users should maintain a register and in the event of a fire a designated person, should be responsible for taking it out of the building. The designated person should ensure everyone on the register is accounted for.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
If you discover a fire:
• Raise the alarm – Shout “Fire!” then operate the nearest break glass call point (if provided).
On hearing the alarm:
• Begin evacuation to the pre-determined place of safety (Fire Assembly Point), closing doors behind you, but do not delay
• Leave by the nearest fire exit
• Walk in an orderly fashion, do not run
• Do not stop to collect belongings
• Do not use lifts
Use an extinguisher only if and when:
• The Alarm has been raised
• The Fire Emergency Procedure is under way
• The fire is no bigger than the size of a waste bin
• You are trained and confident in the use of extinguishers
• It is safe to do so
(Fire extinguishers are provided and maintained. The Centre does not recommend these are used, any person using the fire extinguishers, do so at their own risk)
Evacuated people should remain together, at your group’s assembly point. Under no circumstances should anyone return to the building, until it is deemed safe to do so by the fire service.
Do not obstruct fire exits/routes with furniture or equipment, or leave any inflammable items within the community centre.
Blaydon Youth and Community Centre has public liability insurance for its own activities, but users are advised that they need to ensure that they have adequate insurance cover for their own activities and property.
The Centre accepts no responsibility for the property of groups using the building, it is suggested that you obtain your own insurance for your own belongings if appropriate.
It is the responsibility of the Centre to protect all users from harm, abuse, threat, or disrespect. Abuse in any form will not be tolerated. The Centre recognises the need to report all safeguarding incidents and treats such matters seriously.
All chemicals and cleaning materials shall have a certificate declaring the chemical make-up of the substance and its potential hazard to health. No substance with a warning sign on the label should be left in any public area. Any substances found will be disposed of without consultation with the owner.