What do I do if I see someone being bullied?
If you witness someone being bullied, it’s important to take action.
Here’s what you can do to help:
Step 1: Stay Calm and Assess the Situation
Don’t panic. Observe what’s happening to ensure you can respond safely.
Step 2: Don’t Join In or Encourage
Never laugh or go along with the bullying, even if it’s subtle. Your actions can make a big difference.
Step 3: Support the Victim
If it’s safe to do so, step in and offer your support. You could simply stand next to the person being bullied to show they’re not alone.
Say something like, "Let’s go somewhere else," to remove them from the situation.
Step 4: Report the Bullying
Tell a teacher, school counsellor, or trusted adult about what you witnessed. Reporting bullying can help stop it from happening again.
If you’re in a public place, inform a security guard or authority figure nearby.
Step 5: Be a Friend to the Victim
After the bullying incident, reach out to the person who was bullied. Let them know you’re there for them, even if it’s just to listen. Sometimes a little support goes a long way.
Step 6: Don’t Confront the Bully Alone
If you decide to address the bully, do so only if it feels safe and avoid getting into a confrontation. You can also try talking to them privately to make them realise the harm they’re causing.
Step 7: Encourage the Victim to Get Help
Suggest that the person being bullied talks to an adult or gets further support from a trusted source like a teacher, school counsellor, or a helpline.
Taking action can help prevent bullying and show the person being targeted that they’re not alone.